Germany Energy Crisis

By Jackson Lebedun
Updated on May 30, 2024
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by Jackson Lebedun
A set of solar panels were recently installed for this apartment building in Neu-Ulm. Over 60 TWh were produced from solar panels in 2022.

The Germany energy crisis, created by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, caused the country to rethink renewable energy goals and Germany’s energy policy.

2021 was a busy year for my husband and I. We got married, sold the house and started preparing for the opportunity of a lifetime: living in Germany. My husband was offered an international assignment through work, and I hopped along for the ride.

Living here has its perks and drawbacks. Only a few people have the opportunity to see another side of the world, but it can feel alienating. We are so far away from our friends and family, and my German skills could improve. Living as an expat can be incredibly stressful. When stressed, it’s important to remember to step outside of it and look at things from a different perspective. I’ve stepped out numerous times since we moved in February 2022. What I noticed was astonishing!

Many fields by the Autobahn are full of windmills. Homes, including those centuries-old, are topped with solar panels. Streetlamps grow dim when no one is around. As you walk through town, you’ll see many neighbors hang-drying clothes. Many waste bins specify which type of waste to throw in them. Germans seem to live greener than Americans, and we are doing our part to live as green as they do. We learned a few things along the way.

Germany Energy Policy

Environmental protection is a big deal here; you can see that reflected as you drive through the countryside surrounded by rolling hills of greenery. Some parts of the Autobahn have bridges topped with grass and plants, which help wildlife cross the Autobahn safely without touching asphalt. It also helps lessen the chance of roadkill occupying roads.

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