Try this Rice Pudding With Honey Recipe made extra special using naturally sweet honey.
Rice Pudding With Honey Recipe
John never liked rice much until we started using the brown kind and he never liked it at all for dessert until the day inspiration hit him: He’d make good old rice pudding, he thought, but with a few minor substitutions.
To prepare John’s version, use brown rice instead of white (he usually starts with about two cups of the cooked grain). Then add about a cup and a half or so of milk to the cereal, right in the pan in which it was simmered.
Substitute about half a cup of dates — more if you have them and want a sweeter, fruitier dish — for the usual raisins. Replace the sugar with honey — about a quarter of a cup (less if you don’t want the dessert very sweet or if you used a lot of dates, more if the reverse is true). Add a splash of vanilla for good luck and stir well. Cook the mixture over a very low flame for about one hour and give it more milk if it seems too dry or, as John says, “if it gets thirsty.” I sometimes grate in just a little nutmeg, but John never does.
Read more about how to cook with honey: Cooking With Honey: Recipes and Tips.