How To Make Bread in a Can

Reader Contribution by Tess Pennington
Published on April 18, 2018
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Food storage is more than putting some extra supplies away in the cupboard. It pays homage to our heritage and traditions. For instance, did you know that brown breads are as old as our country is? That’s right!

According to American Food Roots, “At the time of the American Revolution, wheat flour was a luxury. Cornmeal and rye flour were more common. So the three grains were combined in what were called “thirded” breads. A bread born of necessity 300 years ago easily could have been invented this morning by a nutritionist. It’s high in fiber and low in calories — like a giant bran muffin without all the sugar. Some recipes use brown sugar, but the more traditional ones rely on molasses for s

Boston brown bread ingredients include whole wheat flour, cornmeal, rye flour, buttermilk and molasses.

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