A quick, easy way to use cucumbers to make a homemade brined pickle recipe!
This recipe can be adjusted for the number of cucumbers you have on hand, just adjust the amount of brine you make to accommodate how many quarts of cucumbers you have to process.
Homemade Brined Pickle Recipe
Ingredients and Instructions:
To make the brine, combine:
8 cups cold water
3/4 cup pickling salt (scant)
For each quart, have ready:
4 large sprays fresh dill
1/4 teaspoon powdered alum or 2 lumps solid alum
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
Rinse cucumbers, but do not soak in water. If you soak the cucumbers, they’ll fill with water and will not soak up the brine. Put two dill sprays in a clean quart jar, add cucumbers, alum, cream of tartar and two dill sprays on top.
Add the brine to cover. Put lid on tight, keep at room temperature for six days (pickles must work in jars and won’t spoil), then store in a cool, dark place. They’ll be ready to use in eight weeks.
–George W. Gray
San Antonio, Texas
Note: When trying the above recipe, be sure to sterilize the jars and lids, and do not vary ingredients. Adding garlic or sugar, for instance, may cause jars to explode (the added carbohydrates can raise C02 in the jars to volatile levels).