The Free Plant N Garden Stand: A Community Initiative

In Arizona, a new online community is inspiring thousands to share, plant, and grow.

By Elizabeth Bellizzi
Updated on May 11, 2023
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by Elizabeth Bellizzi

Arizona-based neighborhood gardening group Free Plant N Garden Stand (FPNGS) nurtures gardening culture in communities across US with free plant and seed exchanges.

The emerald-colored hutch on the edge of Rebecca Tims’ front yard in Tucson, Arizona, is a welcome respite for the eyes. But it was more than the bold color that caught the attention of two curious passing neighbors. To them, it was a cabinet of wonder. Pots of various sizes and colors, garden books, plant starts in small pots, and a drawer full of seeds filled their view. They asked about the display, and Tims explained the joy of watching things grow. The neighbors’ knowledge of plant science, however, was limited. They were elementary students.

Tims sensed the excitement in these budding botanists. She gave each child a pot, soil, and tomato and green pepper plant starts. She offered guidance about when to transplant them and how much shade and water they’d need.

This interaction happened because of an online community with a dedicated physical presence, which has bloomed in yards like Tims’ across Arizona.

Aptly named Sprouting Shamrock Stand, Tims’ hutch is part of the Free Plant N Garden Stand (FPNGS) Facebook community. Members volunteer to host a stand on their property. The stands are a place for people to donate and obtain free seeds, cuttings, and plants. The group aims to grow gardening culture by connecting people who enjoy growing plants. The FPNGS Facebook page announces a community-building, you-can-do-it, all-are-welcome mission: “Get outside, grow your own food, and help others do the same. If you don’t know how, ask us.”

Tims joined the group in 2021. Her backyard garden is brimming in color from zucchini and raspberries to heirloom tomatoes and peppers and beyond. The Sprouting Shamrock Stand often contains seeds, starts, and harvests from her garden.

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