Winter Garden Activities to Help Get You to Spring

Reader Contribution by Kenny Point
Published on February 27, 2012
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by AdobeStock/Ludmila Smite

So, you can’t wait for the weather to warm up? Here is a list of winter garden activities to keep you occupied until the day that spring arrives!

With the unbelievably mild winter up to this point, I’ve been hesitant to forecast an early spring in fear of a brutal close to the season! But it’s looking more and more likely that we may actually escape a harsh end to winter, and continue on with milder than normal conditions, at least here on the east coast.

For those gardeners who are tired of winter and can’t wait to engage in a few tasks related to warmer seasons, I’ve put together a list of gardening activities that will keep you warm and occupied, regardless of what the weather conditions are like outside.

Hopefully springtime, warmer days, and a new growing season are all quickly approaching, but until they arrive here are things to engage the mind, body, and spirit until we can get out and dig in the soil again!

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