Plant Great Garlic

By Barbara Pleasant
Published on January 9, 2021
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Plant garlic cloves this fall and your look like this next summer.
Plant garlic cloves this fall and your look like this next summer.
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The perfect time to plant this crop (Allium sativuims) late fall, a fitting last hurrah for the gardening year.
The perfect time to plant this crop (Allium sativuims) late fall, a fitting last hurrah for the gardening year.
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Garlic does best in soil rich in organic matter; it also needs full sun and regular watering during the spring season.
Garlic does best in soil rich in organic matter; it also needs full sun and regular watering during the spring season.
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Garlic evolved in some pretty sparse turf, but it still needs good soil balance, with good mineral content.
Garlic evolved in some pretty sparse turf, but it still needs good soil balance, with good mineral content.
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If you save and replant the best cloves from your garden-grown garlic, it will show its satisfaction with the particular growing conditions in your garden by improving in quality with each passing season.
If you save and replant the best cloves from your garden-grown garlic, it will show its satisfaction with the particular growing conditions in your garden by improving in quality with each passing season.

Garlic tastes wonderful, whether you mince it for salsa, pure it for pesto, bake whole bulbs until the flesh is soft enough to spread on bread, or steam a few cloves in the same pot with potatoes.

The perfect time to plant this crop (Allium sativuims) late fall, a fitting last hurrah for the gardening year. Garlic does best in soil rich in organic matter; it also needs full sun and regular watering during the spring season. In the summer, when half of its leaves turn brown, you can pull up the bulbs and treat yourself to the best tasting garlic you’ve ever eaten, with a crisp texture unique to fresh, homegrown garlic.

There are two main garlic types: softnecks, such as artichoke, Creole, Asiatic and turban varieties; and more cold-hardy hardnecks, represented by porcelain, purple stripes and rocambole types. Climate plays an important role in the survival quality of garlic, which also is a surprisingly responsive crop. If you save and replant the best cloves from your garden-grown garlic, it will show its satisfaction with the particular growing conditions in your garden by improving in quality with each passing season.

Where should you start and what should you expect? The garlic grower start varies from one climate to another, but these six organic growers offer expert advice for every region.

Northwest: Filaree Farm

Since 1977, Filaree Farm in north-central Washington has been a pioneer in collecting, growing and selling little-known strains of gourmet garlic. All hundred-plus varieties grown at Filaree Farm are planted at the end of September, in soil that has been kept in alfalfa and other cover crops for seven years between garlic plantings.

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