Where to Buy Garlic for Planting & How Much to Plant

Growing gourmet garlic part 1, the first in a 5-part series of blogs on the process and issues involved in plating gourmet garlic.

Reader Contribution by Andrea Cross
Updated on September 7, 2023
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by Adobestock/alicja neumiler

Part 1 discusses options for where to buy garlic for planting and information regarding calculating the amount of seed required.

It is nearing the time of year when people begin asking me about the best way to plant and grow gourmet garlic. In the following series of blogs, I will address various issues involved with growing the best garlic you can. I will also share what we do at Calling Quail Farm, where we have been successfully cultivating and selling gourmet garlic for three seasons. Each season we have experimented with different aspects of garlic cultivation and processing; some of these trials have been a success, some less so. The basic requirements of each season remain constant, however, and each season begins with planting.

Gourmet Garlic Seed Stock

Whether you are a seasoned or beginner grower of garlic, the first issue at hand for planting is your seed stock. The ideal source of seed stock for growing gourmet garlic is your own seed. If you are already growing garlic it is a straightforward process to “save back” a quantity of your own bulbs. Replanting your own healthy stock is your best option because you can be assured both that a particular cultivar is adapted to your growing area, and that your seed is free of disease. If you want to significantly increase your planting stock for free, or you have a great bolting (scape-producing) garlic that you want to proliferate, you can save back and plant the bulbils. It will take between 2-5 years (depending on the strain) to receive full-sized bulbs with this method, but you should eventually be rewarded with sizeable amounts of robust, healthy stock.

If this is your first time planting garlic, or you want to add new strains of stock to those you already have, there are several options for obtaining seed. The first decision to make, however, before acquiring gourmet garlic seed is what cultivar of garlic you wish to grow. There are hundreds of cultivars, most of which are grouped into 10 main types; Artichoke, Asiatic, Creole, Purple Stripe, Marbled Purple Stripe, Glazed Purple Stripe, Porcelain, Rocambole, Silverskin, and Turban. Each group has its own unique characteristics, and each cultivar within the group, its own unique flavor. Like other plants, different types of garlic perform better in particular growing conditions.

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