Marketing Homestead Products: Should You Sell via a CSA?

Reader Contribution by Kayla Matthews
Published on March 18, 2020
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Photo by Unsplash/Peter Feghali

TheMarketing Homestead Products seriesoffers market gardeners and homesteaders tailored advice for selling their goods. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of joining up with a CSA, renting a farmer’s market stall, and the various forms of advertising available to your farm-based business.

As the owner of a small farm or homestead, you know that growing a high-quality product is only half the battle of a successful business. Finding the right market can be challenging, especially if you’re just getting started. 

Today, more homesteads are selling their product through a community supported agriculture (CSA) model. A CSA program is a market strategy where the farmer organizes a set number of individual shares, each priced per individual or family, and the customers usually pay at the beginning of the growing season. This model is highly customizable, offering either on-site pickup or drop-off locations. 

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