Grow Calendula for Your Organic Garden

By Janis Leach Franco
Published on May 1, 1980
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Calendula, also called
Calendula, also called "marybud," "holigold" and "Mary's gold," is one of the easiest annuals to grow from seed.
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Calendula buds can be eaten boiled and buttered.
Calendula buds can be eaten boiled and buttered.
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A pot marigold rinse adds highlights to hair.
A pot marigold rinse adds highlights to hair.

Lately, more and more people have begun to understand just how limited — in both variety and nutritional value — our “modern” diets have become. This realization has sparked a new and widespread interest in the culinary and therapeutic uses of herbs, those plants which — although not well-known today — were, just one short generation ago, honored “guests” on the dinner tables and in the medicine chests of our grandparents’ homes. In this regular feature, MOTHER EARTH NEWS examines the availability, cultivation, and benefits of our “forgotten” vegetable foods and remedies, and — we hope — helps prevent the loss of still another bit of ancentral lore.

The Calendula Flower

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is the “marybud” referred to in the writings of Shakespeare and is also known as “holigold”, “Mary’s Gold”, or just plain “pot marigold” (but is not to be confused with any of the more common marigold species of the genus Tagetes).

The two-foot-high plants — with bright yellow to orange blooms — look great in an herb garden or a window box, and can provide cut flowers. The herb is also one of the easiest annuals to grow from seed, and almost any large nursery will carry the calendula “spores”.

You can start the plants in the house four to six weeks before the last expected frost, or seed them directly into a sunny garden spot once the final spring freeze is past. While pot marigolds prefer well-drained, light, sandy soil, the plants aren’t fussy. Just keep them watered and weeded, and they’ll bloom from May until autumn, sometimes even producing flowers after the first few fall frosts.

Old Medicine

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