How to Make a Garden Teepee for Pole Beans

Reader Contribution by Benedict Vanheems
Updated on December 14, 2022
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by Adobestock/terezqua
Learn how to make a garden teepee using tall, straight supports – lightweight aluminum or PVC pipes, hazel poles, or long bamboo canes for a simple pole beans trellis.

Choose a spot that receives at least five hours of direct sunlight every day. Prepare the soil first by digging in plenty of well-rotted compost or manure.

For our project, we’re using 8 foot long bamboo canes, and making the structure about three feet wide. A wide, tall structure can make a fun den for kids to play in.

Use a garbage can lid or similar object as a guide for your circle. Position the first canes at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock, then fill in between, setting the canes about a foot apart. Then tie string onto one of the canes, near the top. Flex the next cane towards it and tie it into place. Repeat for each cane until they’re all secured.

Help the beans get a grip of the teepee by running string horizontally across the canes. For this height of teepee we’re using three lines – the first about a foot above the ground, then the other two evenly spaced along the remaining length of canes.

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