Saving Eggplant Seeds

By Micaela Colley & Jared Zystro
Published on November 2, 2015
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Eggplant flowers are self-pollinating, but because they are chasmogamous, the flowers are also commonly insect-pollinated.
Eggplant flowers are self-pollinating, but because they are chasmogamous, the flowers are also commonly insect-pollinated.
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The seeds inside mature eggplants (right) are larger, darker, and firmer than the seeds inside market mature fruits (left).
The seeds inside mature eggplants (right) are larger, darker, and firmer than the seeds inside market mature fruits (left).
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Filled with advice for the home gardener and the seasoned horticulturist alike, “The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving” provides straightforward instruction on collecting seed that is true-to-type.
Filled with advice for the home gardener and the seasoned horticulturist alike, “The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving” provides straightforward instruction on collecting seed that is true-to-type.

The Seed Garden (Seed Savers Exchange, 2015) by Micaela Colley & Jared Zystro and edited by Lee Buttala & Shanyn Siegel brings together decades of research and hands-on experience to teach both novice gardeners and seasoned horticulturists how to save the seeds of their favorite vegetable varieties.

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: The Seed Garden.

Between its architectural branching habit and its glossy-skinned fruits, which vary in color, pattern, and shape, eggplant is as suitable for cultivation in a container or an ornamental border as it is for the vegetable garden. And given that this species has self-compatible, perfect flowers and pollination is easy to manage, gardeners can save seeds from multiple varieties of eggplant with minimal effort. Although eggplant seeds are tightly embedded in the flesh of the fruits, extracting eggplant seeds is fairly simple with the help of a food processor or a blender.

Crop Types

Eggplants, also known as aubergines or brin­jals, are grown for their edible immature fruits. Varieties display a wide range of fruit sizes, shapes, patterns, and colors ranging from the elongated white fruits of ‘Casper’, to the shiny, pear-shaped, purple-black fruits produced by ‘Florida High Bush’, to the 2-inch-round striped fruits of ‘Lao Green Stripe’. The oval pale-green fruits of ‘Applegreen’, the long lavender eggplants of ‘Pingtung Long’, the diminutive ‘Thai Yellow Egg’, and the pink-and-white-skinned Italian heirloom ‘Rosa Bianca’ also lend colors to the species’ broad palette. The flesh color of these fruits can vary, too, from white to green, depend­ing on the variety.

“Easter Egg” varieties were once thought of as a separate species, but they can cross-pollinate with other eggplants and are now classified as the same species. However, ‘Red Ruffled’ and other scarlet-fruited types (Turkish eggplant, Ethiopian eggplant, jiló) are a separate species, Solanum aethiopicum, and are not cross-compatible with garden eggplants. Typically eaten while its fruits are green and immature, Solanum aethiopicum bears fruits that ripen to scarlet. Its seeds can be extracted and processed in a similar manner to those of Solanum melongena.

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