Organic Corn Earworm Control

By Barbara Pleasant
Published on April 24, 2013
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Illustration By Keith Ward
In small plantings, you can open the end of an immature ear, remove the corn earworms with tweezers, and secure the husks back in place at the tip with a clothespin.

This article is part of our Organic Pest Control Series, which includes articles on attracting beneficial insects, controlling specific garden pests, and using organic pesticides.

Corn Earworms (Helioverpa zea)

The most common of sweet corn pests, corn earworm larvae are frequently found feeding in the tips of sweet corn ears. Organic corn earworm controls include choosing vigorous varieties with tight husks, treating ear tips with vegetable oil or a Bt pesticide, or simply breaking off the damaged part. Native to the Americas, corn earworms are now found throughout the world, especially in temperate regions where this sweet corn pest survives winter.

What Are Corn Earworms?

Most gardeners see this sweet corn pest in the first season of growing corn. The corn earworm is the larvae of a mottled tan night-flying moth common throughout North and South America. Corn earworms are most damaging to corn, but they can also bore holes into tomatoes, beans, peppers and a few other garden plants.

Most earworms are muddy-brown caterpillars, but they may be green, yellow, pink, reddish brown or dark gray. Fleshy caterpillars found feeding in the tips of ears of corn are probably corn earworms.

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