Preparing Yerba Mate, From Root to Brew

Reader Contribution by Taylor Goggin
Published on January 7, 2021
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Photo by Lautaro Andreani on Unsplash 

At last an unpredictable year has come to an end. As we are all reflecting on the wild ride it has been we are also ready to shift our gears in motion and begin on a clean, positive slate. We usually plant these seeds of positivity for the year in the form of “resolutions” or “intentions”. If you are still wondering what changes you can incorporate to your daily routine and are interested in trying something new, why not begin this new year drinking yerba mate?

Allow me to explain, yerba mate is a traditional South American herbal beverage made from the leaves of the yerba mate plant. Mate is drunk throughout South America; however, it is the national drink of Argentina and they are the largest producer of mate in the world! Some of you may recognize mate as it is served in a specific cup, called a gourd, and is drunken using a metal straw. The best part? Yerba mate is a stimulating, caffeine-rich beverage that enhances your focus like coffee but without the crash.

Coffee effects without the crash?! Let’s break it down. The caffeine levels in loose leaf tea range but usually come in to about 26mg of caffeine. Coffee is a whooping 100mg while yerba mate comes in a middle ground between the two at 85mg of caffeine. Infinite books, blogs, articles and research studies are written about the incredible health benefits of yerba mate but I’ll do my best to keep it short and sweet. The benefits from drinking mate are as follows:

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