What is Chinese Medicine? An interview with Dr. Leon Hammer

Reader Contribution by Pamela Sherman
Published on June 12, 2020
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Dr. Leon Hammer is a world-renowned expert in Chinese Medicine who studied for almost three decades with the internationally recognized master John H.F. Shen; Dr. Hammer has taught and practiced widely for the past 50 years and authored eight seminal books and 40 articles. The curriculum of the accredited Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine in Gainesville, Fla., is based on his work. 

Dr. Hammer, how would you describe Chinese Medicine to those who don’t know much about it? 

It’s a medicine that is gentle, effective, and treats the individual as a whole within their life context. It’s been proven over a long period of time. It’s a complete internal medicine, one that has treated billions of people over thousands of years for every condition known to mankind. It has all of the tools for prevention, for treating the beginning of the disease process, up to treating complex chronic disease. And it is cost-effective.

How is your work the same as or different from what is called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

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