What is Float Therapy?

Explore a new way to relax and find therapeutic benefits for your body.

Reader Contribution by Tonya Olson
Updated on November 8, 2022
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by Adobestock/vlorzor
What is float therapy? Learn what to do in a sensory deprivation tank, float therapy benefits, and tips for your first therapeutic float in magnesium sulfate.

Life can become busy, often making us feel overstimulated and frazzled. This past weekend was no exception for me. I arrived home sore, super tired, overstimulated, and needing some TLC. I tried a sensory deprivation tank once before, but I wasn’t convinced; ergo, the owner gave me a bonus visit. It took me a while to use the second visit since I was in no hurry. I knew if there were ever a time I’d see results, it’d be now, so I set an appointment for the next day.

What is Float Therapy?

Float therapy is a form of sensory deprivation while floating in a tank or pod filled with 800-plus pounds of magnesium sulfate, AKA high-quality Epson salt. The salt makes the water denser than your body, allowing you to float and reap the benefits of an Epson salt soak. The water is so thick with salt you might even hear salt crystals crackle while stretching if you listen close enough.

I was somewhat uncomfortable and self-conscience during my first float, not to mention buck naked to boot! My first question was, “How do I breathe in there?” I was told there is a vent at the back of the unit to let air in and if I needed I could leave the lid open for my comfort. I’m not a super claustrophobic person; however, I indeed did feel air on my face.

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