Natural Remedies: Preventing Vision Loss, Eye Exercises and Homemade Eyedrops

By Charles Dickson and Ph.D.
Published on August 1, 1996
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Let the store-bought eyedrops stay on the market shelf.

The Natural Remedies column shares information on how to create your own household remedies.

Homemade Natural Remedies

The wink of an eye may attract a love partner. The scorn of the eyes may result in enemies. The literature of our civilization is full of such references, but whatever their romantic or symbolic use in literature, most people take their eyes for granted and seldom take precautions to protect them or have them examined regularly. We usually get around to having them checked only when they are sending signals that something might be wrong.

Considering this part of the body that is so important to daily living, it’s virtually incomprehensible that we don’t know more about how to take care of them. And such care doesn’t have to be complicated; there are some simple home remedies we can prepare to insure a useful life for our eyes.

Let’s begin with some preparations that clean and strengthen the eyes. One of these consists of placing a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of borage leaves, which can be obtained at local health food stores if you don’t have any in your herbal garden. Steep this mixture until it is cool, then strain through a piece of cheesecloth and place in a clean, preferably sterile, bottle. You can put a few drops of this in your eyes each day or place some of the solution on cotton or cloth and use as a compress.

Another good home remedy consists of adding one teaspoon each of parsley and calendula (marigold) to two cups of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. When the solution has reached room temperature, but not before, you are ready to use. An eyecup is the best method for applying this solution. You can make yet another eye-strengthening remedy by placing a teaspoon each of fennel, elder flowers, and verbena in a cup of boiling water. Strain this mixture, cool to room temperature, and use as an eyewash.

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