Managing Lyme or Possible Tick-Transmitted Diseases with CBD Products

Reader Contribution by John D. Ivanko and Inn Serendipity
Published on December 20, 2019
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Getting Lyme disease from a black-legged (deer) tick bite might very well become North America’s version of malaria that runs rampant in tropical and subtropical climates. True, Lyme disease, caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii transferred by a tick bite, is a completely different disease than malaria, caused by a parasite transmitted to humans by being bitten by an infected mosquito. But both can have devastating impacts on quality of life. And there is currently no vaccine against either disease.

Like most homesteaders, my wife Lisa Kivirist, son, and I spend a lot of time outdoors. We forage for morel mushrooms in spring, harvest wood throughout the summer months, and walk back and forth from our farmhouse to our organic growing fields at Inn Serendipity to harvest fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. We live in what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) would probably call a “tick habitat.” And we definitely don’t apply insecticides as advocated by the CDC for tick prevention. Mentioned in my previous article about protection from Lyme disease, we have found some insect repellents to have worked for us so far.

If you get bit by a tick, you may find the bullseye rash often associated with tick bites that carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. Sometimes you’ll find a doctor who prescribes a short-term dose of Doxycycline antibiotics immediately after you think you may have been bitten by a tick (even without locating a bullseye rash) that may possibly be carrying Lyme disease or another tick-related disease. Many people, however, never see the bullseye rash. And it’s my personal experience that it can may be extremely hard to convince a healthcare provider to prescribe antibiotics as a precaution. The flu-like symptoms or other peculiar symptoms of tick-related diseases leave many doctors befuddled. My son had just one swollen right knee, off and on, for years before we had to switch healthcare provider who was willing to make a clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease and treat him.

The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi carried by the ticks is quite stealthy. While blood tests are available, they’re not very accurate. The more I asked around, the more fellow farmers and homesteaders seemed to describe symptoms similar to mine, some living with the joint pain, headaches or general fatigue for years.

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