Yogurt For Face Everyday: Mask Recipe

Wondering about honey and yogurt face mask benefits? Using a recipe of honey and yogurt for face everyday can help you save money and get glowing skin.

Reader Contribution by Staff
Updated on May 12, 2023
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by AdobeStock/martahlushyk1
Wondering about honey and yogurt face mask benefits? Using a recipe of honey and yogurt for face everyday can help you save money and get glowing skin.
Most of us are looking for ways to save money during this … what are we calling it these days … economic kerfuffle? Of course, one of the most logical places to look is at life’s nonessentials. You know, cable TV, restaurants, European vacations, and of course, fancy schmancy cosmetics and beauty treatments.

In more robust times, I’ll spend $10 to $15 on a body care product that I really love. But how about this? For just a few cents, you can treat yourself to this fabulous at-home facial, and then eat the leftovers!

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