‘Happy’ Documentary Explores What Makes People Happy

By Rebecca Martin
Published on July 8, 2013
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Cover Courtesy TheHappyMovie.com
The "Happy" documentary is sure to bring you happiness.

Happiness is something we all strive for, yet it’s an emotion many of us struggle to find and keep. Happy, an award-winning 2011 film, features people from all over the world — beginning with cheerful residents of the infamous Kolkata slum in India — and examines why they’re so happy. Surprise: It’s not because of money or material possessions.

Researchers explain that this coveted state of mind is gained primarily from three things: physical activity, being with other people and helping others. Not coincidentally, this magazine encourages gardening and community pursuits because MOTHER EARTH NEWS wants you to be happy, healthy and productive. You can watch the Happy documentary online

Rebecca Martin is an Associate Editor at MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine, where her beats include DIY and Green Transportation. She’s an avid cyclist and has never met a vegetable she didn’t like. You can find her on Google+.

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