Bring ‘Hygge’ Principles In to Your Home: How the Danish Lifestyle Can Change Your Winter

Reader Contribution by Kayla Matthews
Published on December 14, 2018
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Homesteading attracts people wanting a simpler lifestyle and self-sustainability. In the most recent USDA census of agriculture, the government found that out of the approximately 2.1 million farms in the U.S., around 88 percent were small family farms.

In a 2017 survey of over 4,746 young farmers, about 75 percent stated they didn’t grow up on a farm and 69 percent had post-secondary degrees. A first winter on the homestead seems long and cold when you aren’t used to the lifestyle.

Fortunately, the Danish lifestyle called hygge — pronounced hoo-gah — makes things much more comfortable. Hygge is the concept of enjoying the simple things in life. Most homesteaders already live a relatively simple life, but for the winter months on a small farm, this means staying warm and cozy and enjoying the slower pace after the harvest passes.

1. Use Lanterns and Candles

Overhead lights eat up precious energy stores, especially if you rely on solar. Use candles and lanterns for a soft, homey glow without any energy usage. Just be careful to snuff out candles and turn off lanterns before bed. Never leave an open flame unattended.

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