Homemade Neti Pot Solution

By Suzy Scherr
Updated on March 24, 2023
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by Adobestock/MandriaPix
Using baking soda for a stuffed nose or cold provides quick sinus relief.

Clear your sinuses quickly with a homemade neti pot solution with an easy baking soda sinus-cleansing trick at home.

Each year, as winter looms, I round everyone up for a fun-filled family outing to get flu shots. Once administered, I feel invincible, safe, and protected– it lasts about 20 minutes, until I remember that soon enough, the first round of whatever other lurking vaccine- less bugs out there will show up to infect my crew. This winter, when an ugly virus made its rounds, I was sick for about a day or two, but made a reasonably quick recovery thanks to my own Cold and Flu Detox Bath. I soon felt like a person again, except for MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEAD, which felt like it had been filled in with cement. One side of my face was so swollen I looked like I’d been in the ring with Rocky Balboa. Fortunately, this sinus rinse provided quick relief so I could get back to wiping other people’s noses.


  • 1/4 teaspoon non- iodized salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
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