Learn G-Jo: Acupuncture Without Needles

By Michael Blate
Published on January 1, 1980
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POINT 7: Located above the bulge of the inner ankle. Relieves indigestion, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, and stomach, leg, foot, and common menstrual difficulties.POINT 9: Located three inches below the bottom edge of the kneecap, between the shin-bone and the front of the calf muscle . . . relieves indigestion, backache, diarrhea, constipation, leg pains, and headaches. POINT 5: Located behind the bulge of the outer ankle. Helps relieve sprains and muscle pulls and pains in the back, face, foot, hip, and rectum.POINT 10: Helps control bleeding and relieves chest pains, menstrual problems, seasickness, hiccups, coughs, and symptoms related to shock. POINT 13: Located between the thumb and index finger. Good for headaches, neck pains, toothaches, and problems of the hand, elbow, arm, and foot.POINT 4: Located above the wrist. Relieves persistent coughs and pain in the arm and hand, head and face, elbow, shoulder, and wrist. 

Relieve your aches and pains without the use of often harmful drugs…

Health care can often be a problem for folks who want to move toward a more natural, stress-free, and independent rural lifestyle. If your homestead is deeply buried in the woods, for instance, what do you do when a health crisis occurs? The usual options–rushing many miles to a doctor, clinic, or drugstore . . . keeping a large stash of medicine for who-knows-what emergency . . . or just suffering while your body heals itself–are far from attractive or practical.

Fortunately, there’s at least one therapeutic technique that can relieve some kinds of discomfort almost instantly and is said to stimulate the mind and body’s own self-healing powers. The method is known as G-Jo (pronounced “JEE-joh”).

G-Jo means “first aid” in Chinese, and the technique originated in the Orient thousands of years ago. It’s a primary form of finger pressure acupuncture (or acupressure–acupuncture without needles). With a little reading and practice you can learn enough G-Jo to avoid much needless suffering and become more nearly independent of doctors and drugs … especially if your lifestyle is already a healthful one.

To the Point

There are two vital rules for using G-Jo. The first is FIND THE RIGHT PRESSURE POINT. The specific spots may be tricky to locate at first, and you must use the tip of your thumb or forefinger–not the pad or fleshy part–to probe the area of the point as deeply as you can … applying about 20 pounds of finger pressure. Since these areas of pressure are only about the size of a pinhead, you’ll have to practice locating them until you become familiar with their feel and position. You’ll know when you’ve found a pressure point, though: It will announce itself with a “loud” twinge of sensitivity, much like that associated with a pinched nerve or a toothache.

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