Reconnect at the 43rd annual EcoFarm Conference

By Deborah Yashar
Published on December 30, 2022
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Photo by Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography
Attendees gather over soil at the EcoFarm Conference.

Human connection is a human need-and something that farmers and ranchers are sometimes lacking. It’s one of the many reasons why so many attend the EcoFarm Conference, a yearly gathering that takes place at the Asilomar State Beach & Conference Grounds, California’s “refuge by the sea.”

For elders and young alike, EcoFarm Conference has become an annual destination for people passionate about farming and food rooted in respect and care for the Earth and its inhabitants. What started out as a 50 person meeting which helped to birth the organic farming movement, is now known as one of the most influential events in the world of sustainable agriculture, attracting over 1,500 attendees each year.

Choose from over 60 workshops on business and marketing, soils and production, equity, health, and food justice, policy and advocacy, and presentations in Spanish. As much as there is a plethora of educational opportunities, there are also many networking spaces – a great reason to gather in-person after what will be almost three years of limited contact during the Covid pandemic. From sharing meals and slowing down to beach sunsets, to exchanging seeds and farming insights, the annual event is a powerful opportunity to experience human connection once again, with a diversity of like-minded, collaborative farmers and foodies.

Registration is still open to attend the 43rd EcoFarm Conference, January 18-21, 2023. Choose from over 60 skill-building workshops, hear from visionary keynote speakers, attend a pre-conference event or farm tour, explore the expo, enjoy wine and cider tastings, an intergenerational mixer, the beloved seed swap, awards banquet, discussion groups, or meet one-on-one with experts to get your specific business questions answered.

“I often feel like I am alone in my thoughts, ideas, hopes, and wishes for a better world. My week at EcoFarm reminded me that I’m part of a movement containing some of the brightest people on the planet, and now they are only an email or phone call away.” – Beekeeper and activist, Sarah Red-Laird

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