<strong>Dear Herb Companion,</strong>
<p>Nothing makes me happier than having a cup of lemon balm tea and<em> The Herb Companion</em>. I love crafting and need some ideas for the winter doldrums besides potpourri. Perhaps your readers can help. The Citrus Almond-Basil Cake, from your September 2009 article “<a href=”http://www.motherearthliving.com/cooking-methods/budget-friendly-meals.aspx”>Budget-Friendly Meals: 12 Great Recipes</a>,” was delightful. Your magazine lifts my spirits.<br />
–Lena Romanoff, Narberth, Pennsylvania</p>
<a href=”mailto:editor@herbcompanion.com”>
<em>. –Eds.</em>
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<p>Where can I purchase the jars you used in the September 2009 article “<a href=”http://www.motherearthliving.com/cooking-methods/4-recipes-for-quick-pickles.aspx”>4 Recipes for Quick Pickles</a>?”<br />
–Yana Vinnitsky, Buellton, California</p>
<em>You can purchase these jars from J. WECK Company,</em>
<a href=”http://www.weckcanning.com/” target=”_blank”>www.weckcanning.com</a>
<em>; (815) 356-8440. –Eds.</em>
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<p>I am searching for a product called ImmuniTea, made by allGoode Organics. Do you know where I can find it?<br />
–Beth Freese, Lake Elsinore, California</p>
<em>Unfortunately, allGoode Organics closed in 2005. Find a recipe similar to Immuni-Tea in the book Healing Herbal Teas (Basic Health Publications, 2005), written by the herbalist behind allGoode Organics, Brigitte Mars. –Eds.</em>
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<p>My granddaughter, goddaughter and I loved the July 2009 article “<a href=”http://www.motherearthliving.com/health-and-wellness/body-and-soul-how-to-create-floral-waters-and-colones.aspx”>Simple, Plant-Based Fragrances: DIY</a>.” We found that a canning processor makes a good still. Put the water in the canner, add leaves/petals in the bottom, place dish on the rack and put ice in the inverted lid. (Use a turkey baster to remove water from the inverted lid rather than emptying the hot lid.)<br />
–Chris Reed, Ransomville, New York</p>
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<p>I received my first issues of <em>The Herb Companion</em> and love it. I’m excited for this new adventure with herbs–I want to learn to use culinary herbs to eat healthier for my weekly weight-loss club. I believe this is a step toward better health.<br />
–Kay H., Hermitage, Missouri</p>
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Greetings from New Zealand! A friend (who has since died) used to send me your magazine. I loved it, but sadly–no more! This e-newsletter is the next best thing. <br />
–Kiaora Dale, New Zealand
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<p>Thank you for faithfully sending me articles in the e-newsletter. I live on a small Caribbean island and have been trying my green fingers at growing herbs. Last week I planted chayote–it is about 5 inches tall. I am excited to watch it grow.<br />
–Vivian Pantophlet, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles</p>
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<em>In the September 2009 issue, we asked how readers extend meals. –Eds.</em>
<p>1. Before refrigerating leftover pasta, I combine available vegetables and shredded cheese for a next-day pasta salad. </p>
<p>2. I clear the fridge of fresh vegetables with a weekly stir-fry.</p>
<p>3. When serving, I keep the rice and stir-fry separate; the excess veggie blend can be mixed with eggs the next day.<br />
–Kristi Marshall, Marion, Massachusetts</p>
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<p>CORRECTION: <em>On Page 32 of the September 2009 issue, we featured a recipe for Citrus Almond-Basil Cake. The recipe called for 2 tablespoons fresh basil, but the instructions didn’t specify when to add the basil. In step 2, the instructions should have read, “Transfer mixture to a large bowl and stir in basil and orange rind.” We regret this omission. –Eds.</em>