Mother Earth News February/March 2024 Table of Contents
Plan a Garden for a Year’s Worth of Food
Worksheets help conquer the complexities of food self-sufficiency.
Simple, Affordable Seed Starting
A healthy garden begins with healthy seedlings.
Can Coconut Coir Save the World?
Machinery and Mud
Minimize compaction on your farm.
Lessons Learned from Selling Homemade Soap
A seasoned soap-maker shares how to avoid slip-ups.
Foster Phenomenal Fungi
Use a grow tent to cultivate mushrooms.
Bring New Chicks Home
Advice to help care for a new box of peeping chicks.
News from Mother
Seed Savings
Dear Mother
Reader letters of inspiration, community, and more.
Green Gazette
Updates on green burials and body composting, chronic wasting disease, pawpaws and pomology, homegrown national parks, and climate preparedness.
Firsthand Reports: Organic Gardening in the South
With a little strategy and tricks up your sleeve, you can beat the heat and keep your plants healthy.
Hometown Hacks: Wheeled and Windowed Composter
Go “table-to-farm” with this convenient composter.
Gone Off-Grid
Hoss Boyd answers questions about energy systems.
Country Lore
Reader tips on making homemade chai, pea trellises, critter mitigation, starting seeds, weather resistant gardening, brooders that disassemble, and more.
Ask Our Experts
Expert advice on baking with purple carrots, dealing with fungus gnats, and making seed tape.
Photos from the Field: Reader-submitted photos.