Securing a Winter Pig Shelter on Pasture

Discover why wintering pigs outside can be fun, rewarding, and ensure your livestock remains healthy and strong.

Reader Contribution by Jodi Cronauer
Updated on December 20, 2024
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by Adobestock/kozorog

Do pigs get cold in winter? Plan ahead for the cold season and secure a winter pig shelter to keep livestock healthy and warm.

What could be more fun and exciting then seeing a group of pasture-raised piglets run through the warm, green grass of summer? Not much in my opinion! But does the thought of cold-weather care make you want to cringe? Actually, the care of pastured pigs in winter doesn’t have to be that hard and shouldn’t make you reconsider your choices. We are most familiar with the ‘Idaho Pasture Pigs’ and ‘Kunekune’ pigs, but a lot of what we will discuss will apply to other breeds of pasture pigs as well.

Build A-Frame Housing

Probably the most important aspect for pigs wintering outside is that they have adequate shelter and protection from the weather and cold. We build A-frame houses made with two sheets of plywood on the sides and a triangle piece for the back. We use these same shelters in the summer months and don’t use flooring so the pigs are able to stay cool on the dry ground. In the colder months, we fill the shelters full of straw or hay bedding to keep them warm. Five or six of our fully grown Idaho Pasture Pigs fit comfortably in the A-frame shelters and they stay very warm and toasty. Many mornings, they will get up when I come to feed them and steam will billow out along with them.

Many people think pigs won’t eat hay, but that is exactly what our pigs eat all winter. We feed a combination of alfalfa, clover, and grass hay. We put a big round bale or square bale into each pen and it gives them feed and entertainment for many weeks (and then we replace it with another one). Remember: Most pastured pigs like to graze, and having the ability to do that all winter will keep them more content and happy. If you aren’t able to put in big bales, don’t worry– they will be happy with a couple leafs of hay each day from a small bale. This will still give them the ability to “graze” and give them the added feed they require. We do feed a commercial pig feed also to supplement the minerals that our ground is deficient in as well as provide the extra protein they require during the cold months.


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