Make Money Selling Homemade Bread

By Benjamin And Joseph Watson And Emily Murphy
Published on January 1, 1988
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The staff of life can be the stuff of income. The Watson brothers' whole wheat loaves bring in over $1,000 a year.
The staff of life can be the stuff of income. The Watson brothers' whole wheat loaves bring in over $1,000 a year.
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Emily Murphy sells both bread and bagels.
Emily Murphy sells both bread and bagels.
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Having your own business is fun. You can make a lot more money than most kids get in allowances.
Having your own business is fun. You can make a lot more money than most kids get in allowances.

MOTHER’S CHILDREN: Three children find business success when baking and selling homemade bread.

Make Money Selling Homemade Bread

Benjamin and Joseph Watson

Three years ago, when we were nine (Joseph) and eight
(Benjamin), we met a lady who was selling homemade bread at local
fairs and meetings. We liked the idea, so we asked our mom if we could get a Bosch break maker and start our own business: Watson Bread Brothers.

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