Rambouillet Wool Facts

By Deborah Robson & Carol Ekarius
Published on November 29, 2013
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A great wool to blend with luxury fibers, Rambouillet contributes elasticity without compromising softness.
A great wool to blend with luxury fibers, Rambouillet contributes elasticity without compromising softness.
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“The Field Guide to Fleece,” by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius, answers all of your fleece questions in one simple and portable reference to the wool characteristics of 100 sheep breeds.
“The Field Guide to Fleece,” by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius, answers all of your fleece questions in one simple and portable reference to the wool characteristics of 100 sheep breeds.

With this compact, portable reference in hand, crafters can quickly and easily look up any of 100 sheep breeds, the characteristics of their fleece, and the kinds of projects for which their fleece is best suited. Each breed profile includes a photo of the animal and information about its origin and conservation status, as well as the weight, staple length, fiber diameter, and natural colors of its fleece. The Field Guide to Fleece (Storey Publishing, 2013), by Deborah Robson & Carol Ekarius, is a great primer for beginners, and a handy guide for anyone who loves working with fleece! The excerpt below comes from the section, “Rambouillet.”

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: The Field Guide to Fleece.

Rambouillet Wool

In terms of fleece qualities, think of Rambouillet as a Merino cousin with a bit more bounce. A great wool to blend with luxury fibers, Rambouillet contributes elasticity without compromising softness. The square, dense, flat-tipped staples have a well-defined crimp that’s somewhat less organized than a Merino’s. The tips often collect dirt. Rambouillet’s high grease content means the wool must be carefully cleaned using consistently hot water (don’t let the water cool off and redeposit the dissolved grease on the fiber); its willingness to felt means you must limit agitation. Spin from flicked locks, comb, or card with fine-toothed carders or carding cloth.

Effect of Dyes

While Rambouillet wool has a more matte surface than Merino, it takes colors clearly and well.

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