Polyface Farm 2007 Egg Testing Questionnaire
Owner: Joel Salatin
Web site:www.polyfacefarms.com
- What chicken breed(s) do you raise? Why did you choose those breed(s), and are you satisfied with their performance? Rhode Island Red, Black Astralorpe, Barred Rocks — all straight bred, no hybrids. Hybrids lay too many eggs that extract energy from the bird so she cannibalizes her nutrition. And of course that compromises the energy (nutrition) in the egg. The heavy breeds are also more docile than hybrids, which reduces blood spots in the eggs. They are more hardy for weather extremes, which is the single biggest factor in health and production for pastured poultry.
- Which breed’s eggs did you send in to be tested? We did not check to see what breed our eggs came from. They came from a smattering.
- How many laying hens do you have? We have not quite 3,000 layers.
We use the Feathernet system, which is the Premier poultry net, electrified, with simple hoop structures on skids and nest boxes along the sides. Three pieces of netting make an oval a quarter acre for 1,000 layers. We move them every 3 days to a new paddock. We mow ahead of them with the cows to shorten the grass and keep it lush and vegetative to stimulate poultry ingestion.
In the winter, for about 100 days, the birds come into tall tunnels — hoop houses. That keeps them warm and comfortable — and keeps us warm and comfortable — so that they lay better in the cold part of the year. We don’t use any lights to extend the season. What we do is start a batch of pullets to begin laying by the first of August so they are at physiological peak during declining daylength. That way they don’t spike quite as high in the spring, and it all evens out more through the year.
We use local non-GMO grains for our ration. Everything is milled at Sunrise Farms in Stuarts Draft. The supplement we use is Poultry Nutri-Balancer from Fertrell in Bainbridge, PA. Wonderful stuff, all. The closest organic grain is 1,000 miles away, and we simply will not export our dollars that far away and bathe our feed in that much diesel fuel just for government paperwork.
We live in a rural area. So far we have not had to deal with permits for pastured poultry, but we have been demonized as bioterrorists by the industry and poultry bureaucrats because Red-Winged Blackbirds commiserate with our pastured poultry and allegedly transport viruses to the scientifically based fecal factory concentration camp industrial houses. And with the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) fast approaching, pastured poultry will go the way of the American Indian at Wounded Knee. These are serious times. The global industrialists a paranoid of us heritage indigenous imbedded food system advocates, and will stop at nothing to criminalize food choice and humane animal husbandry.
Predators are an ongoing problem. The biggest problem is the animal welfarists and endangered species protection that make the most serious predators worshipped. Predators are much more a people problem than an animal problem. We have a guard dog; we trap; we shoot; we do things that I would not divulge in public. But everyone raising pastured poultry could go to jail for years, be assured of that.
We estimate we earn about $10 per hen per year.
Our eggs sell because they are better. They look better, taste better, and handle better.
Perhaps most notable are our elderly customers who reduce their cholesterol by eating half a dozen eggs per day. Our pastry chefs double their window of marketability from 36 hours to 72 hours using these eggs. Check our website to see the restaurants that use our eggs and feel free to contact them for testimonials.
1. On what date were your egg samples shipped to the lab?
2. Please confirm that we have recorded your test results accurately. If your report shows different values, please indicate that by making a note on the correct line below.
Cholesterol: 292 mg
Omega-3: 710 mg
Vitamin E: 11 IU
Folic acid: 8.51 mg
Selenium: ND: 0.09
Beta carotene: 127 IU
Retinol: 636 IU
Total vitamin A: 763 IU