Self-Sufficient Homestead Checklist for the Year

Purposefully planning your homestead year and getting it down in writing will help you work towards your homesteading dreams and achieve your goals.

Reader Contribution by Kat Ludlam
Updated on December 20, 2022
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by Andrey Popov

Plan a homesteading calendar with a self-sufficient homestead checklist to help you work towards farming goals and objectives to achieve your homesteading dreams.

Whenever we end a season, year, or chapter in our lives and start a new one it is natural to look back and remember as well as look forward and dream. Purposefully planning your homestead year and getting it down in writing will help you work towards your homesteading dreams and achieve your goals.  Life is constantly changing and we can’t plan for the unexpected, so you need to be flexible with your plan. But making a plan and writing it out will help ensure that no matter what life throws your way, you will make some progress towards your homesteading goals.

Master Calendar

The first thing you need is a master calendar. This can be a wall calendar, a desk calendar, and agenda book, a notebook of your own creating, or an app. Whatever works best for you to keep track of your homestead plans by date. Make sure it is something you know you will like using, because the goal is to refer to it every day throughout the year.

Once you have your calendar ready, it is time to sit down and start filling it out. Choose a time when you are in the mood to plan. Make sure you are well-rested and able to work through it uninterrupted. If you have a spouse, kids, or other partner(s) in your homesteading endeavors, this planning time should include them, or at least have them plan out their specific parts of the homestead.

I go through our homestead one area or type of livestock at a time. I think through all aspects of that part of the homestead (see below for ideas) and write out all the things that we need to do and when we need to do them.

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