Must-Haves for a Successful Farmers Market

Reader Contribution by Julia Shewchuk
Published on June 11, 2018
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It’s been quite a few years since we went to our first farmer’s market with one folding table, one cooler and a few fliers, all transported in the back of an SUV.  Nowadays we arrive in a box truck with an average of seven coolers, 3 tables and many other miscellaneous items that we can’t do without. During all this time we have added items that we thought we needed, forgot items that we really needed and discarded items that just took up space.  From our experience we put a list together of Must Haves of what to take to market that we thought would be helpful to pass along to you for a successful Farmers Market event:


Folding tables are best; they take up less space for transport and are easy to carry. Keep them the same size for consistency.

Table cover:

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