Keep Bees With Confidence and Courage

Reader Contribution by David Burns
Published on January 7, 2011
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When I first started keeping bees I was not yet a beekeeper. That may sound strange, but I really didn’t know what I was doing. I was a bee-haver, meaning I had bees, but that’s about it. Many beekeepers never really become beekeepers, but only remain bee-havers. They have bees, but they really don’t work or manage their bees. There are many reasons why people remain bee-haves and never become beekeepers. I think one of the biggest reason is FEAR and a lack of courage. Another reason is similar, a lack of confidence. Many beekeepers simply do not feel confident in knowing what they are doing. They are afraid that their lack of knowledge will result in doing something wrong and may kill their bees.

This is why most beekeepers never raise queens. To many the place where the queen lives is mysterious and so deep within the hive, a place where no man has gone before. Every year thousands of “beginner” beekeeping courses are given around the country. These are great to help beekeepers get started, but there is rarely a follow up mentorship or advance class. 

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