How to Join an Intentional Community

I want to live in an intentional co-housing community. Do you have suggestions for finding the right fit?

By Kurt Jacobson
Updated on January 17, 2024
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by Tim Pierce
A lot of cohousing life involves what we like to call "porching."

Learn how to join an intentional community by researching, considering expenses, specific interests, and age requirements, and asking many questions.

When looking for the ideal intentional community, the search can be daunting. You’ll have many types to choose from, ranging from a city duplex or townhome to a blissful acreage along the Oregon Coast or amid the Colorado Rockies. Big cities and small towns alike offer options, with smaller cities typically having lower cost-of-living expenses than larger ones.

No matter the location, co-housing involves “an intentional, collaborative neighborhood that combines private homes with shared indoor and outdoor spaces designed to support an active and interdependent community life,” as the Cohousing Association of the US describes. Intentional co-housing can also be referred to as a commune, ecovillage, or cooperative community. No matter the name, all share one thing in common: group living. Most of these communities schedule at least one monthly get-together for a meal or meeting as part of the group living experience.

How to Join an Intentional Community

Conduct online research. I began by conducting an online search for co-housing options for sale in Maryland, where I live. Only one property came up, and it had been sold three years ago. However, the listing still had the realtor’s contact information. The realtor connected me to a member at Liberty Village, an intentional community in Libertytown, Maryland, who explained the community’s concept and recommended the Foundation for Intentional Community and the Cohousing Association of the US. Both websites list co-housing properties with openings or for sale.

Consider expenses. Prices vary widely. As a low-end example, during my search, I found a small property in New Mexico, Awake-in-Heart Healing Center, where expenses are minimal if you fit the profile the community seeks. In exchange for 24 hours of labor per week, it offers a dwelling but requires help with food expenses. At the higher end, Mission Peak Village in Fremont, California, lists a price tag of $950,000 to $2.1 million for a 1-to-3-bedroom home with a move-in date of 2026.

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