How to Hatch Chicken Eggs with a Light bulb

By Vikki And Ted Purve - Smith
Updated on February 13, 2023
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by Adobestock/Alfonso d'Agostino

Learn how to hatch chicken eggs with a light bulb in a homemade egg incubator with information on types of incubators, heat, humidity, ventilation, and hatching.

Our start with chicken-raising was very cautious: a tiny flock of ten pullets and a cockerel, obtained from a hatchery. The day-old chicks were carefully tended, kept warm and protected from drafts by a homemade brooder — a cardboard carton heated with a light bulb — in our empty guestroom for a few weeks. By the second week the babies’ wings had developed and we discovered them flying around the room and alighting on various objects. We clipped their wingtips at that point, constructed a broiler house from miscellaneous scraps of wood and wire and — when they were sufficiently grown — moved our birds to their outdoor quarters. Five months later we discovered our first egg, and gathered the fresh, fertile layings faithfully each day for many months afterward. By the end of each week during that period, we always had at least a dozen extra for sale or gifts to friends. Meanwhile, meat prices were rising steadily and we began to consider keeping more chickens for slaughter. Then spring rolled around again, our neighbors began ordering new chicks from the hatchery and we discovered that the cost of day-old biddies had doubled in our area. That’s when we decided to try hatching our own fertile eggs.

The only trouble with this idea was that all our books manuals and brochures on poultry-raising told us to begin with day-old chicks. We could find no information on incubation of the eggs, not even under a broody hen. (A mature layer of one of the maternal-minded heavy breeds will manage the job quite nicely but she’ll pick her own time, and it probably won’t be as early in the spring as you could wish if you’re in hurry to establish a productive flock If your chickens are leghorns or one of the other light types, you’ll probably need an incubator in any case to compensate for their lack of motherly feeling. — MOTHER.)

An incubators is a device that provides controlled conditions for the hatching of eggs. There are three basic types:

Still-Air Incubators

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