How Long Are Sheep Pregnant For + Lambing Guide

How long are sheep pregnant for? Once you've identified the pregnant sheep signs, get ready with your own sheep lambing calendar to prepare.

Reader Contribution by Kat Ludlam
Updated on December 27, 2024
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by Adobestock/steheap

How long are sheep pregnant for? Once you’ve identified the pregnant sheep signs, get ready with your own sheep lambing calendar to prepare.

As lambing and kidding season approaches it is time to get prepared. Many aspects of lambing and kidding are completely out of our control. But making sure to do well at the things we do have control over will make for a much smoother season. Whether it is your first birthing season or you are an experienced veteran, there are some things you should do in preparation to have the most successful season possible.

6 Weeks Before Due Dates

Dry Off Lactating Females

If you are raising dairy animals that are still lactating, then you need to stop milking them, which is called “drying off.”  This needs to happen 6 weeks before they are due to give birth so that their body can focus all energy and nutrition on the new baby to be born. There are many methods to dry off a doe, and it is important you don’t just stop milking immediately in one day. It needs to be done gradually to prevent mastitis.


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