Eliminate Standing Water on Your Homestead and in Your Backyard

Reader Contribution by Stephanie Leaf
Published on June 25, 2019
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Combating areas of standing water can be a serious problem that homesteaders, gardeners, or any homeowner must face. Standing water is caused by a variety of issues and while many times, can be resolved easily; it can develop into a real concern for the health and well being of your home and homestead.

Sources of standing water

Standing or stagnant water is very common in outdoor spaces and refers to any pool of water that does not flow or have any movement. One of the most common sources of standing water occurs when objects such as buckets, tools, planters, and children’s toys collect water after a rain. With small children, I am constantly battling trying to remember to collect all toys and bring them inside after use. We many times leave them out in the rain, leaving them to collect rainwater. Buckets, wheelbarrows, and other carrying tools are also items we have a hard time with remembering to put away. I am continually guilty of starting a weeding project, not finishing, and leaving the bucket of weeds out to be filled with rainwater shortly thereafter.   

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