Dry Leaves Make Great Goat Snacks

By Barbara Siegal
Published on November 26, 2008
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Photo by Fotolia/KazantsevAlexander
Goats love dry leaves the way humans love potato chips.

Here’s a great winter treat for your goats. Every autumn when the leaves fall, we put them in the sun to dry until they are crunchy. When they are thoroughly dry, we put them in large grain or garbage bags and store them in the shed until the snow flies.

On winter evenings, when we tuck in the goats and sheep for the night, we give them a few handfuls of the dry leaves. As we close the barn door, all we can hear is the sound of crunching leaves from content animals; it’s much like the sound of people munching potato chips.

Recycling leaves as goat snacks not only helps clear our property of them, it also makes for very satisfied animals.

Barbara Siegal
Danby, Vermont

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