Choosing the Correct Type of Fire Extinguishers for Your Homestead

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on September 1, 1982
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Fire extinguisher overview chart.
Fire extinguisher overview chart.
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The fire extinguisher field is often somewhat confusing to individuals who aren't familiar with such devices.
The fire extinguisher field is often somewhat confusing to individuals who aren't familiar with such devices.

Overview of the correct type of fire extinguishers for your homestead, including rating of fire extinguishers, know what you’re buying and advice for choosing a fire extinguisher.

Would you be prepared if a fire broke out in your home this evening? Unfortunately, you probably wouldn’t . . . because it’s estimated that some 90% of America’s households have only the bare-bones minimum (that is, a supply of water and a garden hose) with which to combat a residential conflagration.

Of course, it’s never a good idea to try to fight a blaze without calling the fire department. But whatever you can do to extinguish, knock down, or even contain a small fire before it gets out of control (and while you’re waiting for the pros to arrive) might mean the difference between minor smoke damage and the loss of your home.

And the best way to protect your dwelling (and yourself) is to expect a fire to occur . . . and to equip your home with the correct type of fire extinguishers to a level of defense that’s both within your budget and effective enough to do some actual good should the need arise.

Naturally, having fire protection equipment on hand is no justification for inviting an accident to occur in your dwelling . . . and taking such simple steps as not overloading electrical circuits, keeping work areas clean and free of oily rags, storing flammables in approved containers, and flipping off circuit breakers before vacating the house will greatly reduce the chance that an unexpected blaze will ever occur. (As a second line of defense, smoke alarms — either the 110-volt or the battery-operated kind — can alert you and your family to danger before the situation becomes life-threatening.)

However, even if you take every sensible precaution against the common troublemakers, fire could still strike your home. Ideally, therefore — in case the worst should happen — you’ll have the right equipment on hand and know how to operate it.

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