How I Chose a Border Collie as a Working Dog Breed, Part 2: Lessons from a Stock Dog

Reader Contribution by Mary Powell
Published on December 12, 2018
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Photo by Pixabay/JGaland

ReadPart 1, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5in this series.

There is an excellent book written by Bruce Fogt entitled Lessons From a Stock Dog that is a must read for anyone looking to own a Border Collie. I borrowed the book from a friend, who had and uses Border Collies on her farm. There is a series of videos that go with the book and if you get both, it is an investment worth having.

The book alone is a great reference and lesson book. After reading it, I already knew I was way behind the curve, with Allie, but she was forgiving and she became my teacher. I just had to realize, she was trying to explain to me, how, she wanted me to command her.

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