Keep Out! The Basics of Trespassing Laws

By Troy Griepentrog
Published on April 23, 2008
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Signs such as this may or may not impact your rights as a landowner. It depends on the laws in your state.

People have different views on privacy and property rights. Some don’t mind if people walk across their land. Others don’t want anyone on their property without permission. (For more on this view, read No Trespassing Signs and Modern Day Monkey Wrenching.) But, those who are concerned about trespassers list multiple reasons:

1. They enjoy their privacy.

2. Concerns about theft and vandalism.

3. They want to protect livestock from hunters or other threats. Many livestock owners now have concerns about biosecurity. That includes disease spread unintentionally and bioterrorism (causing disease and disrupting the food supply).

4. Avoiding liability if a stranger is hurt accidentally while on your property.

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