Ask Mother: The Word on Worms and Septic Tanks

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on February 1, 2001
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MOTHER answers questions that readers have sent in.
MOTHER answers questions that readers have sent in.
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Mountain Fences, Sandy Soil Suggestions, and Composting with Chickens.

Is it true you can use worms to help a septic tank operate correctly? What kind of worms would be best?

 — Don and Angie, Kansas

That one’s new to us. The health of a septic system depends on the presence of anaerobic bacteria – primitive, single-cell life forms that exist in dark, stagnant places and are responsible for noxious gases like sulfur dioxide (which produce a rotten-egg smell), as well as the toxin that causes botulism in improperly canned food. Septic-tank bacteria, which cannot survive in the presence of sunlight or free oxygen, make a hard crust on top of the fluid contents to keep oxygen out. No self-respecting worm could survive there long because worms depend on oxygen to sustain life. Indeed, they exhibit many of the characteristics of higher life: They have distinct organs, move about on their own and reproduce sexually.

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