Living on Less: 75 Money-Saving Tips

By Craig Idlebrook
Published on October 1, 2007
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If you live in a forested area, cut your energy costs by heating with wood. And wherever you live, never skimp on insulation — you’ll save money and energy.
If you live in a forested area, cut your energy costs by heating with wood. And wherever you live, never skimp on insulation — you’ll save money and energy.
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Stock up on produce when it’s in season and at its cheapest, then can or freeze it for later use.
Stock up on produce when it’s in season and at its cheapest, then can or freeze it for later use.
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Make a habit of eating at home: It’s almost always cheaper, healthier and better-tasting than eating at restaurant or fast food joints.
Make a habit of eating at home: It’s almost always cheaper, healthier and better-tasting than eating at restaurant or fast food joints.
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If you build your own home, take full advantage of natural materials already on the property, such as timber, sand or clay.
If you build your own home, take full advantage of natural materials already on the property, such as timber, sand or clay.
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Rediscover the radical notion of a public library: Get books, music and movies for free!
Rediscover the radical notion of a public library: Get books, music and movies for free!

Discover these 75 money-saving tips to live on less. These inspiring ideas will help you enjoy life more while spending and consuming less.

Living on Less: 75 Money-Saving Tips

On paper, my wife and I are poor. How poor? In 2005 we made $4,303.84 combined; in 2004 we made half that. We’re in such a low tax bracket that I have trouble convincing the government of our tax return’s accuracy; they simply can’t believe Americans can live on that kind of money.

Yet in many ways, we’re better off than a Wall Street banker: We’ve saved enough money to buy land without a mortgage, we have no credit cards or monthly bills, I work 20 flexible hours a week from home, and my daughter has two stay-at-home parents.

Simply put, we never want for anything, and we have a lot of fun.

We’ve arrived where we are now through a decade of daily financial decisions. Because we didn’t want to spend our time earning money at jobs we didn’t like, we instead focused on how to stretch our money. We found that by controlling our day-to-day expenses, we could save a lot of money without sacrificing our quality of life. Neither my wife nor I will ever be confused for financial wizards; there’s nothing we’ve done that you can’t do if you’re serious about saving money. Here are 75 money-saving tips to consider, drawn from our own experiences. Find what works for you and enjoy living on less!

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