Upcycling the Bundt Pan

Reader Contribution by Fala Burnette and Wolf Branch Homestead
Published on May 27, 2020
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by Adobestock/Carey

I knew it was time to retire the old bundt pan when a quarter of the baked pound cake finally stuck to the bottom of the pan. It had been through a good amount of baking projects, with many of them being this same exact pound cake recipe. Though I would no longer use the pan for baking, quite a few ideas popped into my mind on how to repurpose this into something once again useful, or decorative. Depending on the condition of the bundt pan, listed below are just a few ideas for crafting.

Please note that if the pan is so worn out that it is flaking on the inside, do not use this for projects where animals may ingest the flakes. If this is the case, simply stick to using it for non-animal related crafts/decoration only.


There are some interesting ways to repurpose that old cake pan into projects related to animals. Again, make sure that it is not flaking on the inside, as we don’t want our critter friends to potentially ingest this. One idea that I first used was to turn the bundt mold into a feeder for our ducks. Our female eats much too quickly, and we decided to use this as a feeder similar to the way grooved, maze-like bowls are used to help dogs who eat too quickly. By portioning out her feed into this, we’ve found a new way to help slow down her eating. Some people even use these bundt pans to make their own wild game feed blocks, combining the ingredients and using this as a form for the block.

When looking into other upcycling projects, I noticed many other people had turned them into bird feeders. After drilling four holes in the upper corners of the pan, I ran twine through them and made a simple hanger so that our wild bird friends could enjoy it as their new place to find seed. Within minutes, the sparrows and cardinals were popping their heads out from the inside of the pan. However, this is definitely not squirrel proof, so note that they will enjoy turning this into their personal swing! It’s possible to also use the pan as a mold for a birdseed block.

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