Two years ago, at the end of winter sledding season, I purchased two fiberglass children’s saucer sleds for the low price of $2 each. I still use them regularly, and they are definitely one of the best buys I’ve made in a long time! I put plastic rope in the holes and pull everything around my yard. At 83, I am considered elderly, but I still do a lot of my own yardwork.
With the sled, I can move a heavy flowerpot — it slides easily over dirt or grass or paving.
When I prune, I pile the branches on the sled and pull it to the dumpster. And because I had a hip replacement and we now have a ramp at the back door to unload the groceries from the car, I simply put them in the sled and pull them up the ramp into the house.
The sleds are much handier and lighter-weight than anything on wheels.
Louise Beckwith
Woodward, Oklahoma