How to Repair a Leaking Roof

By Steve Maxwell
Published on September 4, 2009
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Replacing a few shingles can quickly repair a leaking roof.

If your roof hasn’t leaked yet, it probably will someday. But there’s no need to panic. It’s easier to repair a leaking roof than you might think. Sometimes a small, skillful repair delivered in the right location can extend the useful life of your roof by years. And if you can fix a leaking roof yourself, you’ll never have to wait for someone else to pull you out of a leaky roof jam. Simple tools and basic knowledge can save you hundreds of dollars in professional repairs while also extending the working life of the roof. Here are four typical old-roof problems and how to fix them.

Replacing Broken Asphalt Shingles

Necessary tools and supplies:

  • 6- to 8-inch thin-blade pry bar
  • claw hammer
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