<p>I’m sure you have a pair of old, torn-up jeans that you just can’t seem to let go of. Even though they may no longer be visually appealing or even acceptable to wear in public, there’s no need to toss them in the trash. Why not begin a fun project to transform them into something brand new? <a href=”https://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/recycled-denim-jean-crafts-zmaz78jfzgoe” target=”_self”>
<font color=”#800080″>Quick and easy jean mutations</font>
</a> is an article that explains three different ideas for converting those old jeans into new items that will cost you nothing but time, a couple pairs of old jeans and the use of a sewing machine. These ideas will allow you to incorporate your personal style and creativity into each item.</p>
<p>The first idea gives detailed instructions to make an attractive cobbler’s apron from a pair of bell-bottoms. But even if you don’t make or repair shoes, you could use this apron in the kitchen, garden or workshop. The second idea shows you how to make a tote bag, and the third changes those jeans into a more masculine apron that would be a great gift idea for someone.</p>
<p>If you have other innovative ways to transform old jeans into something new, comment below!</p>