Mesh Fencing Installation Basics

By Jeff Beneke
Published on January 31, 2014
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by Adobestock/maho

Mesh Fencing Installation

In terms of sheer numbers of products — not to mention speed of installation and low cost — nothing beats metal mesh fencing. This is mass-produced fencing boiled down to its most elementary, functional essence. Determine exactly what you want the mesh fencing to keep in or out, then choose the appropriate product. While the on-hand selection may be small at any given store, rest assured that the manufacturer of that limited offering makes many variations on the theme. You should be able to special-order exactly what you need, or you may want to visit a more specialized retailer, such as a garden, landscaping, or agricultural supplier.

Wire mesh has yet to attain any type of architectural chic that I am aware of, although I have long ceased trying to forecast cultural trends. But mesh fencing can serve as a trellis for climbing vines, which can have a particularly wonderful landscaping effect without compromising the basic functionality of the fence.

The only time-consuming part of the installation involves setting posts, but even that chore can be minimized by using metal posts. The great advantage of metal posts is that they are simply driven into the ground — no holes to dig or concrete to prepare. Unfortunately, metal posts aren’t nearly as strong as buried wood posts. They are useful for getting a garden enclosure or a temporary fence up quickly, but they should not be used for any fencing that requires much tension or otherwise needs to resists much pressure (such as from heavy animals or adventurous kids).

Choosing the Right Mesh

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