These easy-to-make cozy warm headbands can be worn by anyone. I had several pair of over-the-knee socks at home that I no longer wore, so it was easy for me to just use what I already had on hand. If you don’t have any over-the-knee socks check local thrift stores, second hand shops, or even consignments stores who may have a few inexpensive socks.
The length of an adult size over-the-knee sock is the perfect length for an adult headband or can be cut shorter for a child size headband. Just measure the child’s head and subtract 2-3 inches for stretch.
Using over-the-knee socks to make these ten-minute wonders opens up a whole new world of choices for cozy headbands. Think of it! Headbands for men, women, and children can be charming as they coordinate with your outdoor clothes or practical to pair with your jeans and t-shirts.
Make more than one to have several to choose from as you bundle up for a cool winter day or evening. I’m looking for cable knit socks at second hand stores for a great holiday headband. I’ve seen cute animal print socks which would be perfect for a fun headband or a special holiday gift.
Using standard scissors, cut off the foot of the sock straight across at the ankle. The foot can then be used for a small cleaning rag or roll it up and tie with a string for a delightful cat toy. Bending the remaining tube into a ring, stuff the newly cut end about an inch into the top band of the sock. Sew the ends together by hand or machine. I use a stretch stitch to allow more stretch in the headband. Matching or contrasting thread can be used depending on your preference.
Step 1: Cut off the foot of the sock at the ankle. (See photo 1)
Step 2: Stuff the cut end into the top band of sock. (See photo 2)
Step 3: Sew the ends together by hand or machine (See photo 3)
Step 4: Enjoy your new cozy headband! (See photo 4)
I experimented with knee-high socks too. If you leave the foot on a regular adult knee high sock it is the perfect length for a headband. Just turn the knee-high sock inside out and sew a seam to make the heel no longer a heel but in a straight line with the rest of the sock foot. Then stuff the toe of the knee-high sock into the top band of the sock and sew the ends together to make the circular headband. What a perfect way to re-purpose socks!
Another idea is to use an old knit and stretchy shirt or sweater to make a headband. Simply measure your head, or the head of whoever the headband is for. Cut off the sleeve three inches smaller than the head measurement. Sew the end together using the method mentioned above and enjoy repurposing a shirt that may have otherwise been thrown out. This is a nice way to keep the memory of a family member’s shirt.
Mary Ann Reeseremembers her first gardening experience in the kitchen of their family home when she was about 7 years old. Her mom helped her grow impatiens and when the flowers opened, Mary was hooked on gardening. Mary has owned a mini-farm, greenhouse, chickens, ducks, and geese raised from eggs in an incubator. Now she enjoys writing, organic gardening, photography, reading, playing bocce ball, hiking, sewing, quilting, crocheting and music. Read all of Mary’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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