DIY Long Range TV Antenna

By James W. Kronberg
Updated on July 11, 2022
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by Adobestock/Deacon docs

Use the Yagi-enhanced, log-periodic pattern to build a homemade long-range tv antenna consisting of the element array the framework, and the mast.

A few years ago, some friends of mine shed city life for the country, escaping to a small piece of land in the mountains. They were delighted with the clean air and the elbowroom, but being isolated took its toll — out of the blue, so to speak: Because their tract lay in a hollow, television and radio reception was almost nonexistent.

The fact that their house was surrounded by hilly terrain, as well as being located 70 to 120 miles from most of the local transmitters, dictated the need for a high-gain, long range antenna capable of picking up signals over that distance. However, the $100 price they were quoted for a commercial unit stopped them in their tracks. So they came to me (I’m an electrical engineer) and asked whether they could build an antenna that would serve the same purpose.

After doing some research and subsequent number-crunching, I discovered that not only could they duplicate the performance of the high-buck rig, but — using common hardware and some sections of bamboo that was growing nearby — they could probably do so for about $20! By this time, I was excited enough to jump right in and give them a hand, so I drew up a plan, and we built the antenna — twice! The first model, you see, was destroyed in a storm, so I took the opportunity to try out some new ideas on a second version — a conduit and plastic-pipe model. The one I’m about to describe incorporates the best features of both these prototypes.

TV or Radio Antenna Anatomy

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